Thursday, May 1, 2014

The Year of The Sundering

For a good amount of 2013 (and some of 2012) I created a series of character focused images for D&D's Sundering Campaign. A lot of this imagery has finally been hitting the shelves in the past few months for D&D's Sundering Adventures.  A while back I did a couple posts on the two major character posters for the Sundering announcements. Head on back and check them out. The Sundering announcement. The Sundering Campaign key art.

I wanted to show how the packaging came into play on these pieces because I don't often get to see the final result until well after these items are in stores.  The graphic design work and logo placement on all these really made them come to life. One thing to note is that a lot of the time, especially on covers like this, a good amount of the work will get covered up or cropped out. The client will ask for that extra bleed so that they have a good amount of space to work with for placement.

Each booklet for these adventures contained foldouts highlighting the characters.  This meant all the characters need to be fully painted and on their own layers in the final file.  Here is how some of that looked.

This was a really great set of pieces to work on with lots of fun and interesting characters to develop.  I really had a blast and its great to finally see them all in print. 

I should have a few more things relating to the Sundering around the corner so stay tuned.


  1. Your characters are great. I particularly like your Torlin Silvershield & Hedrun.

    How do you like the minis Gale Force 9 made from your our Murder at Baldur's Gate characters? It looks like they changed a few things, but it's probably just for the sake of casting.

    Do you know if there are any plans to turn any of your other characters into miniatures?


  2. Hi Muninn,

    I wasn't even aware that Gale Force 9 had created those miniatures. That is really cool! I will have to buy those so I can have them in my collect. Thanks for the heads up. They look really cool. I don't know if they plan to make more.

  3. Cool characters! I like your arts, color and composition is great! :)

  4. These are so epic it hurts!
    I really don't have much to say other than praise.

  5. Stunning work, Tyler.
    How long does it usually take you to complete one of these, from start to finish?

  6. Thanks for sharing, nice post!

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