Thursday, October 15, 2009

DoD I guess

I haven't had much time lately for Drawings of the Day, but I had a little break so I did one. Thought I would bring more value in.


  1. you tracer . what did you do , go into the mountains in Alameda with a knight and take photos of him , cause that what it looks like you did. Is no one being creative these days?!......

  2. It's freakin sweet! I don't care if you trace Tyler, long as you put enough vegetable oil on those swords to keep them from rusting...

  3. I actually had to carry my projector, computer, and printer up the mountain with me, but I had a generator that was on wheels so I was good there. Pleinair projection painting is what I call it.

  4. Damn man, love the mood. Even if it is projected...

  5. if only it weren't traced... what a great piece it would be...

  6. I like the sword. Like Dracula or Boromir.
