April 12th 2011 was the 50th anniversary of the first manned space flight. That man was Yuri Gagarin, soviet cosmonaut, and his ship was the Vostok 1. I thought I would do a little portrait for the occasion. It has been a while since Gagarin made that first amazing trip and many have followed in his footsteps. Gagarin died in 1968 when is MiG 15 crashed during a training flight.

Beautiful piece, man! I love that detail shot. Was this for a job or was it just for funsies?
Thanks Eric. Just a personal piece I have been working on when I could find the time.
Very Cool. Love the warm atmosphere and Gagarin's calm contemplating expression. Makes me want to go visit the Air and Space Museum here in DC.
Great portrait, I really like the introspective and solitary mood.
beautiful piece, love it.
I love cosmonauts and astronauts, and there's something so cool about the old space suits. You did a wonderful job!
This is so awesome Tyler, I love it . . . turned out great!
Fantastic - brilliant skin tone and texture, and that look of concentration. Congratulations, work very well done!
Fantastic stuff! Love the strokes and lighting. Very dramatic.
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