Wednesday, August 7, 2013

The Sundering continues....with Isteval

Late last year I designed a new character for Jon Schindehette at D&D.  He was to be named Isteval.  The writers at D&D provided me with an awesome description of an old paladin who's glory days were well behind him now, yet he still had some stature and pride.

Isteval Concept Art

Ultimately he was to be part of a large lineup of characters for the next Sundering adventure for Forgotten Realms. This was another layered image containing many characters I had addressed in some other covers for D&D as well as a few new ones.

The Sundering - Make Your Story Legend
Each character had to be on its own layer, very much like the previous Sundering image I created.  Here are a few shots of some of the layers as well as a few closeups.  The full image ended up being pretty enormous. I had a blast working on this one.

 I also had to go into some detail for the stained glass window in the background.
The Sundering Stained Glass
Finally, the crew at D&D ended up putting together some pretty amazing stuff.  They had a cinematic video created that featured Isteval in full 3 dimensional action walking around in a scene which also contained my stained glass window.  I was completely floored when I saw all this.  I never imagined my character coming to life like this.  Huge thanks and congratulations to everyone at D&D that made this happen.  

Jon also did a nice write up about mere here, discussing my time working with D&D over the years:

Much more to come.  I am sorry for the delay in posting.


muffinman said...

I'm a big D&D Forgotten Realms fan. Great artwork you have brought the characters to life.

Hope to see more of your work in D&D.

Daniel Ljunggren said...

Congrats man, looking stunning.

Bea P. said...

*_* i could look at those piece of art all night long!amazing!

Mark K said...

Amazing work, sir! I love characters like this who have history and a past.

I play online MMOs now, having 'retired' from DMing, and one thing these games lack is the option to create a truly grizzled veteran. Maybe, just maybe, the game companies will stop pandering to the 'youth' of the gaming world and realise that some of us would like to have in game representations nearer our own age and not the usual anime hunky heart throb lookalike.

Fantastic work - really loved this :)

Lukeniedner said...
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Lukeniedner said...

Definitely the best Elminster image I've ever seen and one of the best of Drizzt. It's so good that I'll be using this image of Elminster to finish my heros sleeve tattoo on my arm. Many thanks.

Unknown said...

Well, that "Green Lantern"-ish (half?-)elf (the mask) with that terrible hairstyle and swollen face is not really a piece of art or design. Otherwise a nice picture.

Anonymous said...

I've been reading the Sundering novels and I love the covers. This composite image is a keeper!

AGJW said...

I've been using audible to listen to the sundering. I must have listened to 300 hours so far and can't seem to get enough. I would definitely agree that your art brings the characters to life. Good Luck with future art

.ek said...

The third to the left and the third to the right - who are they? Help please :-)

Unknown said...

Hi Tyler instant fan of your work!
I'd Love to have a go at sculpting this character if you'll let me?