I recently did some illustrations for D&D's Fortune Cards game Shadow of Nentir Vale. They were really fun small illustrations and they ended up using one of the Dwarf Slayer pieces on the box art which is great. This was a character named Fargrim who I had developed for D&D's Heroes of the Fallen Lands. It was great to get another opportunity to illustrate him.
These small cards can be a bit of a challenge, considering the tiny window you have to work the art into. It really made be think about how to maintain dynamic, exciting compositions in such a small space.
I am currently working on a some more which should be out in a few months. Here is a link to the current Nentir Vale set. The art director was Mari Kolkowsky who is always a pleasure to work with.
Here are a few of the pieces I did as well as a shot of the box and some of the actual cards.