Here are a few new pieces for D&D's Heroes of the Fallen Lands book that was released on September 21st. They are for the Iconic characters named Fargrim, Dwarf Slayer. It is great to get some more work for D&D's printed books and I had a blast working on these two images. AD was Kate Irwin and she was great to work with.
Release the hell fire!!!!
Great lighting!!
You have such a traditional feel in your work :)
that dwarf looks like he's about to get busted up. are those giants?
awesome man!
Dwarf: Bring it on! Great work Mr T. Love the David vs. Goliath feeling.
Thanks all. Scott: The dead ones at the base of the stairs are Fire Giants and the one he is taking on is a Fire Titan. The job actually called for a Fire Giant but the AD and I discussed him being much bigger in the illustration and we thought a Titan would fit the scale better. So I went with it. Fun job.
challenge accepted Mr.T
incredible rendering !!
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